Layers of Stillness: 연동면 미디어아트 프로젝트

‘정적깊이’ (김영희 2022)

‘Layers of Stillness’ by Younghui Kim 2022

The artwork, Layers of Stillness’ is a real-time data-driven artwork that computationally captures a transforming scene of cozy Yeondong-myeon (Sejong City) as digital images. The images taken at different moments are superimposed on the aligned hanging screens in the exhibition space. This installation invites you to appreciate what these overlapped scenes of different moments reveal about the neighborhood.

What could be the subtle changes of this peaceful place when we see through the series of stillness made of light and time?

Through the previous artwork, ‘Bridge Crossing Series (2020-2021)’, the artist collected images of different moments in the same place as photographic data to seek unexpected visual elements. Unlike this previous series, the artist computationally captures the photographic images of the Yeondong-meon and projects from two different directions – with 2 HD projector – on the layers of the aligned, see-through screens. This experimental art piece repeats the revealing and disappearing of the subtle visual elements when the image of the past overlaps with the image of the present moment. This is an artistic process of seeking ‘visual outliers’ in the images of the historical neighborhood of Yeondong-meon connected in times and stillness.

This artwork is commissioned for the Yeondong-myeon culture proejct by PLQ Partners

정적깊이‘ – 김영희 2022

실시간 카메라 데이터로 생성되는 미디어설치 작품, 세종시 연동면 커뮤니티센터 2F

본 작품은 세종시 연동 면과 같이 오랜 역사를 지닌 고즈넉한 장소에서의 시간적 흐름과 그 속에서 드러나는 크고 작은 섬세한 변화를 겹겹의 스크린에 투영하여 하나의 디지털 이미지로 중첩하여 관객이 다시 마주할 수 있도록 연출된 장소 특정 미디어설치물이다.  같은 장소 다른 순간의 모습을 정적인 빛의 이미지로 서로 마주보고, 중첩되면서 이 조용하고 평화로운 장소에서 우리가 미처 생각지 못했던 변화는 무엇일까. 세종시 연동면은 한국 근대작가이신 장욱진 생가를 품은 작은 동네이다. 미디어설치와 함께 들리는 사운드는 연동면에서 직접 수집된 소리모음으로 실내공간을 걸으면서 연동면을 오롯히 느낄 수 있다.

This media installation with lively captured photographic scene of the village is curated by Minhee Kim (StarInArt) and was planned by PQL Partners & many helps from the_3rd_blank, StarinArt, RedOnion.

The exhibition title is {Siyeonhada – meaning, ‘connecting time and space’]

‘Spring’, Busan Cinema Center, Media Facade Art

Younghui Kim expressed ‘Spring’ in 1 min 30 sec, computer generated motion graphic, projection mapped on the facade of the Busan Cinema Center, in December 2022 – as a part of the media facade project, <Four Seasons of Mirage> This project will be displayed in public until December 2023. Busan Cinema Center is a landmark of Busan for the renoun BIFF Busan International Film Festival.

<Four Seasons of Mirage> – ‘Spring’ by Younghui Kim, 2022 Runtime: 1 min 30 sec

<Four Seasons of Mirage> – ‘Spring’ by Younghui Kim, 2022 Runtime: 1 min 30 sec

This facade media projection mapping art project, is composed of four seasons, directed by Kyoungmi Kim, NMARA, sound by Jinuk Jo and Yemin Oh. Younghui expresses a season of ‘spring’ as after a long darkness of winter, a small light blooming into the branches of light, then transforms to the spring energy exploding into a flower.

작가노트: 깊은 겨울의 어둠을 뚫고 피어나는 봄의 에너지를 추상적으로 표현해 보았다. 봄의 기운은 어둠 속 한줄기 빛의 가지로 뻗어 나와 그 생명력이 꽃의 수술로 뿜어져 나와 어느 순간 주위를 환하게 밝히며 우리에게 따스한 희망을 상기시킨다. <봄, 김영희 2022>

A making film for the media facade project at Busan Cinema Center, <Four Seasons of the Mirage> 영화의전당 미디어파사드 프로젝트, NMARA

기획 연출 | 김경미

영상 | 봄-김영희, 여름-이주헌, 가을- 조수진, 겨울-신규빈

인트로 브릿지 엔딩 영상 | 서명진

작곡| 조진옥, 오예민

영상아카이빙| 최경준

코디네이터 | 오은숙

I am sharing a making film for the projection mapping project, <Four Seasons of the Mirage>. I don’t appear in this making film due to my installation date overlapping for another exhibition but, it was 5 months long project collaborating with other professionals with the very paraticular facade of the Busan Cinema Center building. It was challenging as the wall is very dark, therefore absorb projection lights & the shape is not a pecfect squre. Still, the wall is significantly large and we managed to calibrate the gamma of the artworks!

#projectionmapping #generativeart #BusanCinemaCenter

광화수 AR Data Viz 2021

Gwanghwasoo Data Visualization Project by RedOnion (Younghui Kim, Sam An) & technical support by Yuno Choi

Real-time Data Visualization AR prototype & concept art demonstration by Younghui Kim RedOnion

During later 2021, as RedOnion, I was asked to provide a conceptual artwork prototyped for the Gwanghwasoo project that are composed of AR & Dive online. AR appears on the sculpture installed near Gwanghwamun area in Seoul. Each particle is formed with a data set and they are catagorized into 7 emotions processed by AI application provided by another team. The data sources are the social media posts with the hashtag. Branches are formed with the data also, they are directional and grows longer in different direction. Although the real-time data driven AR concept was not finally selected by the client but, data visualization & particle movement is applied to Gwanghwasoo dive online. Due to web browser & three.js capability, designs are applied a bit differently in the final website, but the dive site works with live data sets and the user can interact with each particle and navigate through the site.

AR data vizualization with the dummy datasets, concept art prototype, RedOnion 2021

In this project defining data visualization rules was as crucial as finalizing data mapping for the visuals. At the same time, using the most efficient software tools for different media platforms such as AR, VR, and website.

The project link:

Invited Talk at KRIGA 2022

On 13th of Jan 2022, Younghui gave a talk, ‘Art Thinking on Data, and AI’ at the 2022 KRIGA International Symposium – Artist and Art Education, Inquire into Artificial Intelligence.
지난 1월13일에 한국예술종합학교 대학로 대강당에서 유튜브라이브로 한국예술영재교육연구원에서 주최한 2022 KRIGA 국제심포지움에서 ‘데이터, AI에 대한 예술적 접근’이라는 주제로 강연과 공개 Q&A토론을 하면서 현 시점에 있어 예술교육에 대한 고민을 함께 나누었다.

Exhibition: Layered Layers 2021

Solo Exhibition, Younghui Kim

Gallery White Birch, Seoul: June 3rd – 13th, 2021

Image: Layered Layers by Y. Kim 2021, data-driven generated art, Facebook Personal Wall Post data 2007-2017

삶의 순간순간을 겹겹의 레이어로 바라 본 작품 안에서는 삶 속에서 변화없이 반복되는 일상과 그렇지 않은 순간을 명확히 드러낸다. 이번 개인전 [ 겹겹 ]의 작업을 통해 작가는 공간 속에 쌓이는 겹겹의 시간돠 흔적들을 데이터로 그리면서 자신을 스쳐간 기억들을 마주한다. 호주에서의 일상이었던 굿윌 (Goodwill)다리와 쿠맆라(Kurilp)다리를 건너며 하루 한 장씩 작가의 시점에서 기록한 사진을 겹겹의 레이어로 쌓아 올려 시간을 압축하여 바라봄으로써 변하거나 돌출된 삶의 순간을 노출시켰다. 또한 지난 10년 간 사고의 순간들을 기록한 소셜 미디어 글을 통해 생각의 반복과 반복되지 않은 다양성을, 그리고 일상 속 부딪힘이라는 물리적 충격 데이터를 활용하여 겹겹의 시간을 한 순간의 각으로 관통해 바라보았다. 2021.05.25 작가의 말.

아래 전시작품 슬라이드 Artwork Pages from the exhibition leaflet 2021

Exhibition: Continuous Flow at KOTE Gallery

Continuous Flow – April 16-May 27 2021, at KOTE 3F Gallery

KOTE is an amazing art & culture space located in the heart of Seoul, Insadong.  On the 3F gallery, curated with Todd Hollebeck & Minhee Kim, 5 solo exhibitions and 2 group exhibitions among 13 individual or team artists who deals with art, media, and technology.  Younghui has participated in this evolving exhibition with her new artworks:  “Bridge Crossing – Kurilpa 2021” with, “RICE-1Kg – new version 2021” in the 3rd FL gallery, Room 3 as a Solo-exhibition.

more info at KOTE


Weight of Data – Rice 1Kg (Younghui Kim 2021), Live updates of the rice market value equals to one bitcoin in weights
Data updates in the screen: the weight of Rice that a Bitcoin can buy at the moment
Continue reading Exhibition: Continuous Flow at KOTE Gallery